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Spring Home Maintenance Tips

As spring approaches, it’s that time of year to give your home an exterior evaluation in preparation for the warmer months ahead. Colorado’s climate and weather makes for unique home maintenance, so Usaj Realty has made a Spring Home Maintenance Checklist to help you keep track of what kind of care your home needs. Our home maintenance checklist goes over the following topics:

1. Checking outside water sources

2. Hiring a professional to clean your air conditioning unit

3. Checking the gutters for damage

4. Examining the roof (we don’t recommend you climbing up there yourself. Grab some binoculars or take a keen look from the ground to spot trouble, and hire a professional if you think it needs a closer look 5. Evaluating the concrete outside your home for any movement and check the wood around door frames and window for any rot 6. Regrading with compacted soil around your home to prevent any water damage.

Winter weather is tough on roofs and chimneys. It can also take its toll on walls, windows, foundations, gutters, patios, and decks. Prevention is key here to maintain the value of your home. It’s putting in this time and effort now that will help you avoid big repair bills later on. If you are considering selling your home, Usaj Realty will be happy to help you point out repairs that need to be made before your home is market ready.


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