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Meet Our Brokers | Catching up with Jason Tanabe

Real Estate Blog 4 min read

Meet Our Brokers | Catching up with Jason Tanabe

denver realtor | Jason Tanabe

Jason Tanabe recently sat down to reflect back on the throes of the pandemic and the whirlwind of activity he continues to see in the Denver real estate market.

At the outset of the pandemic, there was much unease and concern as to how real estate transactions fare. Would people really want to buy or sell their homes during such a turbulent time and would real estate be considered an essential service?

As we now know, these concerns were short-lived as people began buying up homes at a record pace. Jason feels fortunate to have been helping people buy and sell during this incredibly challenging time, and shares some of his thoughts of where he feels the market is heading.

Q. What has been your biggest accomplishment in the last year?

My biggest accomplishment, like many brokers, is the unexpected success that came during this unprecedented time. Looking backward at March of 2020 when all of us were quickly trying to adapt and figure out ways to show or sell a home was a crazy time. Then, fast forward to today, and what we are seeing. I would be remiss not to have an enormous amount of gratitude and appreciation for all my clients who put their trust in me and our tribe to help them through such a large decision during such an uncertain time.

“I would be remiss not to have an enormous amount of gratitude and appreciation for all my clients who put their trust in me and our tribe to help them through such a large decision during such an uncertain time.”

Q: What are some of the challenges you have faced and how did you overcome them?

As an extension to the above, the biggest challenge throughout this past year has been navigating through the continual changes that came to us, many times by the hour.  While the changes in the regulations and the inevitable emotional upheaval occurred, we had to change the way we do business, specifically writing offers and finding creative solutions. Trying to figure out ways to get our clients’ offers to rise to the top and be heard/seen above the fray were and still are ever-changing. Having a solid team around us/me has been an integral part of coursing through these challenges and providing certainty. Many times, I relied on a tremendous amount of hope and confidence.

Q: What advice are you giving your clients who are trying to buy a home?

Be prepared, have trust and let’s not forget to have fun! I know you are hearing a lot about the real estate market right now. Some are accurate, some dramatized, but all require a decisive approach. You must be informed and ready to put yourself in the best position. Becoming a homeowner is obtainable and can be an amazing journey! It’s important to try to have some fun in the process.

“Becoming a homeowner is obtainable and can be an amazing journey! It’s important to try to have some fun in the process.”

Q. Any hobbies or pursuits that you’d like to share?

Hiking!  Right now, I am thoroughly enjoying my new passion and discovery of hiking. If you know of any good hikes I must do, contact me right away. I’m waiting! Or, let me know where you’re going to be… I’ll bring the trail mix.

Q. What are you currently reading or listening to?

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. I encourage anyone in leadership to read it.

Q: What is your favorite Denver area neighborhood and why?

Not a fair question!  Each of our amazing neighborhoods provides a different feeling and provides us a unique experience, which is why each is special to its residents.

Q. What do you find most desirable about the Denver area? What would you tell people who are considering a move here?

Whether you are someone who likes to be outdoors hiking, skiing, or swimming, or someone who prefers to be inside enjoying a museum, a concert, or trying to escape from some kind of room that requires you to unlock a series of codes, Denver has everything! I believe the city does it better than any other.

Written byAnton Usaj
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