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21 Ways to Sell a Home Fast in Denver

21 Ways to Sell a Home Fast in Denver

Putting a house on the market is a big step. And most people want to sell their house as fast as they can. There is no reason why a house should sit on the market forever. If you do the marketing right and get a professional on your side, you should be able to sell a house quickly. Here’s 21 ways how:

1. To Sell A House Fast, Don’t “Live” In It

Obviously don’t move out before you’ve sold. But one of the biggest turn-offs when someone walks into a house is clutter. Pick up your things. The phrase, “A place for everything and everything in its place,” is good advice during the time your house is on the market.

2. Get A Cleaning Crew

You may think you are a master cleaner. But until you get a professional to address every nook and cranny, you won’t know clean. We tend to ignore the messes we make in our house. Just move your bed or your couch, and you’ll see how dirt and dust can collect. It’s worth the expense to get a deep clean by the professionals.

3. Get The Carpets Cleaned

This especially applies to houses with white carpets. But, if you have any carpets in your house, get them cleaned. Your carpets are dirtier than you think!

4. Paint and Repaint

Unless you live in a brick space or have wallpaper in every room, there is probably paint on your walls. And if you’ve ever moved furniture around your house, there are sure to be paint scratches. People spot blemishes and scratches on the walls so make sure they are addressed. Any drywall damages should be repaired and painted as well.

5. Fix The Broken Things

To sell a house fast, it needs to be in top condition. If door knobs are falling off or windows are sticking, get them fixed! Even if they are easy fixes, people will wonder if there are more significant issues with the house if the small things aren’t in operating order.

6. Leave Nothing Undone

If you’ve been doing any kind of remodeling, try to make sure it’s done before you put your house on the market. Leaving something undone means it’s the responsibility of the next person moving in to complete, Don’t limit the pool of buyers by turning off those who don’t want the hassle of taking on unfinished business. Get it done!

7. Have An Immaculate Lawn

Make sure your lawn is properly watered, mowed and free of weeds. Address those bare spots with new sod or grass seed. If you have a dog, make sure you’ve cleaned up after him or her. Same goes for children’s toys, garden equipment and tools. People will have a more favorable impression of your house if you’ve put time and effort into putting things away, inside and out.

8. De-Colorize Your House

People want to imagine their favorite colors on your walls — not your colors. Having neutral colors will always help sell a house fast. If you’ve got a penchant for color, make sure the change is made prior to listing your home. You want buyers to walk in and be able to imagine how they would rework the space. Too many color schemes will distract them from turning your home into “their” home.

9. De-Decorate To Sell A House Fast

This is the same principle as de-colorizing. You may love all the decorations you have on your walls and it’s ok to show off the design of your home. But if your house has many “artifacts,” it’s best to store them. You want some neutral space on the walls and make sure the decor has been simpliflied.

10. Create Space

You may like your TV as close to your couch as possible. And that’s OK when you’re not selling your home. But once your home is on the market, it is critical to accentuate the size of every room. Make every room look as big and roomy as possible. Move all the furniture to the edges which helps guide the eyes to places you want to show off.

11. Be Consistent In Your Decor And Colors

So you’ve taken our advice on neutral colors. Now, try to make everything else match as best you can. The furniture should tie into the wall color and general motif. If the chairs or sofa are worn, consider covers that blend in with the overall decor.

12. Each Space Should Have A Purpose

To sell a house fast, make each space unique. Make it look useful. Don’t leave a dining room empty. If you have an office, don’t allow it to look like a playroom, too. Make sure rooms and hallways are unobstructed and hanging light fixtures are the appropriate height.

13. Add Some Green To Your House

Washington University found that green spaces can enhance a city dweller’s mood and well-being. Elevate the homebuyer’s mood by placing plants around your house.You don’t even have to use real plants. Silk plants look just like the real thing and only require dusting. There are also many companies that will provide beautiful plant delivery and servicing.

14. Only Use a Few Pieces To Decorate

Just as when you de-cluttered your walls, simplify the decor on your shelves. You may have many books but a mix of books and open space is easier on the eyes. Buy a few tasteful bookends and fill some of the open areas with tasteful decorations.

15. Clean Your Towels

New white towels will complement any color scheme in your bathrooms. If you don’t have new towels, make sure towels are freshly laundered and neatly presented when buyers view your property. Consider having hand towels on the counter.

16. Take Down Most Family Photos

Keep the number of family photos and portraits to a minimum. It’s distracting to a potential buyer when there is evidence of family memories in every room. There should not be more than two to three pieces in the living area and bedrooms.

17. Clean Up The Toys

This is a difficult but not impossible task. Make sure you have a box not only in your kids’ bedrooms but also in the living areas where they play with toys. It’s easy to just drop them in the box every morning and again in the evening. It also provides a great opportunity for children to be responsible and have daily chores.

18. Get A Professional Photographer

Now that you have your space de-cluttered, neat, toy free, and neutral, get a professional photographer. A photographer knows how to make your space look more spacious and appealing than you’ll ever imagine.

19. Do Your Dishes

If you want to sell a house fast, there is no room for laziness. Keep those dishes clean and put away.

20. Keep Your Curtains Open During Showings

Colorado is one of the sunniest places on the planet. Take advantage of the natural light and use it to your advantage. Also, make sure all the lights are on in the house to maximize the exposure.

21. Leave It In Show Condition At All Time

Showings can occur at almost anytime. Don’t be caught off guard. Have your house ready to be seen, whether you’re home or away. Everytime you leave, make sure that everything is picked up, the lights are on and your valuables are locked up.

Usaj Realty has the professionals to help you sell your house. Check us out at

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