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Home Features that Buyers will Love

Home features

Thinking of ways to renovate or stage your home to optimize it for buyers? Home features when done right, can make the bang you’re needing!

As home buyers gain more leverage in the Denver real estate market, it’s more important than ever to make sure your home features amenities that provide value and help your property stand out before you list.

With home inventory increasing, home buyers are evaluating homes with greater scrutiny. By focusing on a few updates, you are more likely to achieve (and be able to justify) your asking price.

The Usaj Realty brokers have identified key home features buyers will love. Keep these suggestions in mind when you are getting ready to prep your home for sale:

Functional Outdoor Spaces are Key in Colorado

With over 300 days of sunshine in the Centennial state, people appreciate the ability to enjoy time outside. Even in the middle of winter, Denver residents often can enjoy some temperate days when a nice patio heater and firepit can make sitting on the deck a treat. Outfit your outdoor spaces with blankets, pillows, heating devices and lighting to make the area an extension of your home.

Inside Greenery Adds Ambiance and Color

Plants and flowers aren’t restricted to being part of the exterior landscaping. Well-positioned greenery inside adds dimension and life to the indoors, and are inexpensive ways to bring color to stale areas of your home. Invest in some fun plant stands, large floor urns and vases to add the perfect accents to your living space.

Home Offices are Still in Demand

Many people continue to work at home, at least on a part-time basis, and buyers place a premium on dedicated home office space. Many people choose to renovate a bedroom into an office or establish space in a basement for this purpose. Closets can easily be turned into shelves and drawers, perfect for books and office supplies.

Flex Space Highlights a Multifunctional Home

Having an area in your home that can be used for a variety of purposes is going to be a big plus. A multifunctional room or area that can be used for guest accommodations, homework projects, gift wrapping or watching a movie will appeal to home buyers. Remember that having built-in storage, drawers and shelves that will allow a buyer to see the potential of this space.

Fitness Spaces Provide Versatility, Style to a Home

Many people love to work out at home with phone apps and equipment that has streaming and online access. Showing off a dedicated room or area that can accommodate yoga mats, a stationary bike or treadmill, rowing machine and weights is sure to score points with buyers. Basements, lower levels and even lofts are often great spaces to focus on fitness.

Smart Home Technology Increases Home Convenience

Every home buyer likes to see home technology updates, especially when it means making life easier! While smart thermostats and doorbells are commonplace, there are a number of other devices that will add value to your home. Remote control window coverings, and a spectrum of apps that can control anything from your sprinkler system to lighting will delight prospective buyers.

Larger Bedrooms, En-Suite Baths are Always a Plus

If you are looking to renovate your home before selling, consider focusing on the primary bedroom. An updated en-suite bath will go a long way in increasing your return on investment and create that WOW factor. Spacious bedrooms and walk-in closets are always at the top of home buyers’ must-have lists.

New Appliances and Light Fixtures

Often forgotten in the mix are your major appliances and light fixtures. Just how dated are they? During the fall and early months of winter, you can often score great deals on replacements. Not only will these purchases make your home more attractive, they also provide energy efficiency and, oftentimes, smart features.

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